When I started my journey to a healthy lifestyle, I wasn’t exercising consistently or eating right. I wasn’t happy physically or emotionally. My turning point was when I accepted the fact that both of my parents had died of lifestyle diseases. I dedicated myself to making my health a priority. So, I went to work: studying, working toward certifications, improving my relationships, mindsets, movement and nutrition.
I have since transformed myself from a woman filled with self-doubt, unworthiness and a poor self image to a woman of confidence, filled with pride, happiness, joy and energy. I have accomplished things that I never thought were possible!
Putting in the work, works! Here are just a few of the steps that I dedicated myself to:
Consistency of Exercise
Nutrition & Supplements that Absorv
Writing & Journaling
Aligning myself with the right people
Developing positive habits
Practicing mindfulness and gratitude
Living by my core values
I used a formula that I have lived by and now share with individuals: Introducing the Rise Up Course - A Lifestyle Improvement Program.
In addition, I love people and I share my passion through coaching, mentoring and guiding others to live a purpose filled life that they design.